A trailer is always a helpful tool to have around! From transporting equipment to helping you move homes, a trailer will get the job done. That being said, some trailers are better equipped for specific jobs than others. We’ve outlined a number of features unique to utility trailers that should make your life a little easier. Once you’ve read our article feel free to drop by our dealership in Lacy Lakeview, Texas, and view our large inventory of trailers. 


A utility trailer’s simple design gives it quite a few unique features that make it an amazing tool to own. Firstly, utility trailers are extremely lightweight. They don’t have tall walls or complicated mechanisms weighing them down. This means you don’t have to have a heavy-duty vehicle to haul your trailer, even when it’s full. Because of their lightweight and simple design utility trailers are also very easy to hitch and tow. Taking a quick glance at your user manual should tell you most of what you need to know before you head off. Although, we do advise beginners to look up an instruction video or two. 


Most trailers have pretty simple maintenance requirements, but a utility trailer is at the top of the list when it comes to easy upkeep. A quick check that your tires aren’t flat and nothing has become rusted and you’re good to go. Say goodbye to paying for expensive parts and having to figure out how to replace them.


On top of being lightweight, utility trailers have an extremely high weight capacity, making them one of the most efficient trailers to use. They’re also quite short, so that it’s easier to load heavy freight up onto the bed. This quick and easy loading can cut work time in half and is much safer for workers trying to move extremely heavy or tall cargo.


A utility trailer is also sometimes called an open trailer due to the surrounding gating that acts as the trailer’s walls. This gating, as well as the trailer's lack of roof, make it extremely easy to pack unwieldy and lengthy cargo of almost any size. As these trailers have optional siding support, meaning they can consist solely of a bed, users have their choice of various cables to keep their freight safely tethered. 

As you can see, a utility trailer is a great asset to have. If you’re located in Waco or Temple, Texas, we encourage you to stop by our dealership. Our knowledgeable staff will be able to answer any of your questions and even provide personal recommendations based on your needs. No matter what kind of trailer you’re needing, we’ve got it here at Lone Star Trailers!